Trip Report- Egan’s Greenway 5-10-20 A few of us gathered at Egan’s Greenway to check on late migrating birds. We had several warbler species: Common Yellowthroat, Blackpoll, and Orange-crowned. The latter was a late migrant but it may have been wise to avoid snow conditions in the Northeast. We had great looks at Barn Swallows and a Swallow-tailed Kite. On Saturday Cathy Ryckman and I birded the soccer fields and borders of Fernandina Airport looking for grassland species that have been reported on ebird recently such as Dickcissel, Bobolink, Blue Grosbeak and a Black-billed Cuckoo. We did see a Bobolink and possibly a large group in flight. We also had a singing Pained Bunting that flew as soon as we approached the tree from which it was singing. Taking these bird walks has been a great break from staying at home during the pandemic. Please email me if you would like to meet me at the soccer fields off of Baily Road and we will walk from there to Crane Island hoping to see various birds of the field and meadow. My suggestion is Wednesday morning at 9am. Call me if you need directions. Post navigation Trip Report: Dee Dee Bartels 3-28-20Trip Report: Crane Island Park 5-13-20