Trip Report 10-11-20 Kathryn Abbey Hanna Park On both the scouting day and our scheduled field trip we had many Warblers migrating with larger numbers seen on the 6th. On both days we had good numbers of the following warblers: Northern Parula, Yellow, American Redstart, Black and White and Palm. We had small numbers of these warblers: Magnolia, Cape May, Black-throated Blue, Blackpoll. Common Yellowthroat and Yellow-throated. On each day we logged at least 50 species with many overlaps. On Tuesday highlights that did not show on Thursday were Mississippi Kite, Painted Bunting, Blue-headed Vireo, Blackpoll Warbler and Summer Tanager. On Thursday the highlights were an Eastern Wood Pewee and Yellow-billed Cuckoo. Many thanks to those who participated especially Ana Sahlman who was our photographer. Three of her photos are attached that are birds that tend to pose more than warblers that move constantly. Our next field trip is scheduled October 24th at the boat ramps of the Nassau River.Good Birding,Bill George Post navigation Trip Report, Heritage River Road 9-19-20Trip Report: Boat Ramps of Nassau River 10-24-20